Malta Company Features
Malta has a vibrant and strong economy and has long been viewed as a gateway for investment in and out of Europe. Malta is ideally placed to facilitate international business. Malta is a full member of the European Union and has enacted very favourable tax legislation that enables clients to trade or hold assets in a low cost and low tax environment. The Maltese Company, a highly effective corporate entity with which to carry out cross border trade and investment, would typically benefit from a combined corporate effective tax rate ranging between 0% and 5%.
The Maltese company is used extensively for cross border European trade and/or as a holding structure.
In the latter circumstances, capital gains and dividends derived by a Malta company from a qualifying participating holding in a subsidiary (typically a holding of more than 10% of the equity shares in a subsidiary) would be wholly exempt from tax in Malta. A Malta company is therefore commonly used to hold interests in other foreign corporations, often enabling the free flow of dividends and capital gains from the foreign corporations to Malta, without Withholding Tax, by utilising Malta's excellent double tax treaty network (comprising 59 treaties currently in force) and/or the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive.
A Malta company would otherwise be subject to tax in Malta on its non-exempt chargeable profits (including trading profits) at the flat corporate rate of 35%. However, pursuant to a distribution of dividends by a Malta company in favour of its shareholder/s, the said shareholder/s would generally be entitled (by extension of Malta's full imputation system) to a refund of 6/7ths of the Malta tax suffered at the level of the Malta company on profits out of which the dividends were distributed. As a result, the combined overall effective Malta tax rate applicable in respect of non-exempt income would be reduced to 5%.
A company incorporated in Malta would be deemed to be a tax resident Company and would, accordingly, be entitled to access Malta's large network of double tax treaties. A Malta resident Director or Company Secretary is not required.
Depending on the nature of its activities, a Malta company may be required or entitled to be registered for VAT in Malta. A company set up as a pure holding company would be outside the scope of VAT.
The benefits of Malta are obvious and should be seriously considered by anyone looking to trade in or with the European Union or create a very favourable holding structure.
General Information
Company Law
Companies Act 1995
Type of Company
Private Limited Liability Company
Language of Legislation and of Corporate Documents
English (a national language)
Exchange Control Restrictions
Length of Time to Incorporate
1-2 working days (no outsourcing)
Government Registration Fee
Euro 349.41 for authorised share capital up to Euro 4,658.75
Shelf Companies Available
Corporate names
Name Restrictions
Names identical or similar enough to create confusion, offensive or otherwise undesirable
Endings and Abbreviations Required
"Private Limited Company", "Limited" or its abbreviation "Ltd."
Length of Time to Verify Name Availability
A few hours
Reservation of Names Permitted
Language of Name
Any language using the Latin alphabet
Name of Banks, Insurance, Investment Fund, Trust Company or their Equivalents Require Consent or License
Capital & Shareholders
Minimum Number of Shareholders
2 (there are exceptional circumstances where one member is permitted)
Corporate Shareholders Permitted
Local Shareholders required
Disclosure of Shareholders
Yes (Confidentiality can be achieved using a licensed Fiduciary or Trustee)
Minimum Authorised Shares to be Issued
Euro 1,164.69
Bearer Shares Permitted
Registered Shares Permitted
Number Par Value Shares Permitted
Directors & Company Secretary
Minimum Number of Directors
Minimum Number of Company Secretaries
Corporate Directors Permitted
Corporate Company Secretary Permitted
Local Directors / Company Secretary Required
Disclosure of Directors / Company Secretary
Appointment of Subsequent Directors / Officers
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Required
Yes - notice owed to shareholders and auditor
Annual General Meeting of Directors Required
Location of Directors and Shareholders Meetings
Malta - for place of effective control & management
Adoption by Consent Permitted
Quorum Required for Purposes of Meetings
2 members personally present unless otherwise provided in Articles of Association.
Local Requirements
Registered Office
Register of Directors / Officers maintained at Registered Office
Company Seal Required
Copy of Minutes to be kept
At Registered Office or such place as specified in the Memorandum of Articles
Copy of Share Register to be kept
At Registered Office
Annual Requirements
Minimum Annual Government Fee
Registration of an annual return, Euro 163.06 (for authorised share capital of the Company up to Euro 11,646.87)
Requirement to File Annual Return
Yes (42 days after the date to which it is made up)
Requirement for Financial Audited Accounts
Requirement to file Financial Statements
Yes (10 months after the end of the relevant accounting reference period & 42 days)
Requirement to file Tax Return
Other Relevant Info
Member of Apostille of the Hague Convention
Increase or Reduction of Amount of Issued Shares
By extraordinary resolution - restrictions may apply
Appointment or Removal of Director(s)
By ordinary resolution - restrictions may apply
Redomiciliation Permitted
Reinstatement at Registry
Yes, by Court order preceding striking-off
Removal from Registry
Following dissolution & consequential winding up
Corporate Tax
35% subject to credit / refunds in favour of shareholders
Double Taxation Agreements
Extensive ( >50 )